Monthly Archives: October 2012

October 22

Originally posted on The IABM Blog:
John Maxwell Hobbs is the Head of Technology for BBC Scotland and is a keynote speaker at the IABM Annual Conference next month. We took the opportunity to ask him a few questions: 1.)    Please can you us tell a bit about yourself, your organisation and your role? I’m…

October 11

To the Spoils Goes the Victor (now, the hard work begins)

In my last post, I only half-jokingly asked, “What do you do when you’ve won the revolution?” The answer to that is, “get working.” A revolution overturns the old order. Most revolutions fail because they’ve only focussed on the negative, with the only goal being the elimination of that negative. Once that’s accomplished, for most […]

October 10

The Future is Yesterday

This autumn, BBC Scotland, passed the fifth anniversary of the opening of our new  facility at Pacific Quay in Glasgow. When we opened our doors, we were the most advanced broadcasting facility in Europe, and arguably the world.  We had a full HD infrastructure, production was mostly file-based, and with the exception of live video, all our media […]