Monthly Archives: June 2005

Round and round

I put the track from the 22nd into a new version of the feedback machine. It’s got lots of delays now and the feedback is using the didjeridoo control system to control itself. 2005-06-30

And once more . . .

Same process as yesterday, just a different style. 2005-06-29

Looking over my shoulder

Getting back to my funk roots here. It’s a little experiment in one-finger accompaniment. I used Virtual Guitarist, Groove Agent and Broomstick Bass. I never imagined I’d use any programs like those, but it’s pretty fun, and the rhythm tracks they came up with are not bad. At least they don’t talk back like real […]


Spontaneous assembly of sounds from a kit. 2005-06-27

Even closer

I figured out how yesterday’s setup work, so I completely changed it. Here’s a new approach to the control technology. 2005-06-26

Out of my control

I fiddled around a bit more with yesterday’s track. This is more what I’m after with the control system. The only problem is – I have no idea how I got this to work. 2005-06-25

Didjeridoo control system

Having another go with the control system. 2005-06-24

Oh, my head . . .

Another migraine track. 2005-06-23

Swoopy, bloopy noises

This is a test of a few things – I’m using JunXion from Steim to turn a game joystick into a MIDI controller. Its controlling a synth and some effects plugins. The other thing I’m testing is Soundflower, an audio routing program for the Mac. I’m using it to route the audio out of and […]

I just couldn’t help myself

I just had to stick the strings into the feedback machine to see what happens. 2005-06-21